"Understanding is the basis of care. What you would take care of you must first understand, whether it be a petunia or a nation."

Dallas Willard


  The commonalities in the childhood histories of those who end up with same-sex attractions (SSA) are undeniable. In this video, Dr. Julie Hamilton (LMFT) presents a basic outline of the development of same-sex attractions which fits 75-85% of males with SSA. She also reviews some of the roots and causes of lesbianism.


This 17-minute video will change your life and radically empower you to understand homosexual persons.


A Call to Pastors | We are not “acceptable losses”

If you won't leave the 99 to rescue the 1, will you not leave the 73 to rescue the 27?

  A 2021 Barna study found that 27% of Christians ages 18-37 identify as LGBTQ. For 1 out of 4 young adults in your care, this could absolutely be what wins their souls for hell.

  Please let your heart be softened for the lost and your courage be anchored in you trust in the Lord, not the praises of man. So many parents, so many strugglers ask the question, "Why didn't anyone tell me this?" after the damage has been done. God's compassion is BETTER THAN THE WORLD'S, but if you're not speaking about root causes, ways of healing the soul, and specific insights that keep people from falling back into sin then who will...the world?

Pastors, illustrate God's compassion by talking about root issues and provide insightful and specific care for healing in order to deny the devil the souls of God's children. The beasts are devouring 1/4 of your flock. The time is NOW to speak on Sunday morning, to the whole congregation, on a regular enough basis!

The Way Forward | More than “STOP IT!” or “DO IT!”

The Devil has gained footholds through vows, trauma, sexual/physical/emotional abuse, unmet needs, agreement with lies, and fear. These root issues are knowable and addressable in the process of putting on the character of Christ.

  Imagine telling the anorexic or the alcoholic or the abuser to “Stop it!!" and "Just Follow Jesus.” That wouldn't be helpful! Like trying to hold a beach ball underwater, we can be sure that God-given unmet needs will find their way out one way or another. Without clarity and the proper tools, they are stuck with their own attempts at behavior modification and mortification of the flesh without transformation, without new life in Christ.

  Sy Rogers, who has counseled thousands of individuals out of homosexuality, has said that in his experience 60% of these individuals were sexually abused in their childhood, 70% physically, and 80% emotionally. A common lie the Enemy gets females who feel transgender is, "It's better (or safer) to be a man than a woman." One common vow for the male who faces homosexual attractions is, "I will never be like my father." This keeps the male detached from not just his father, but from what the father represents, which is masculinity.

  The wise counselor will see homosexuality as the light on the dashboard of the soul telling them to check the engine. Homosexual attractions and gender confusion indicate deeper root issues where the focus of one's efforts should be...not on momentary resisting of temptation. If the person facing same-sex attractions is not given illumination, they will see the fruit of that root season after season. Instead of saying, "Just follow Jesus," we can paint a much clearer and more comprehensive picture when we say, "Let's think through and work out these particular common underlying spiritual wounds that might be keeping you from what God has for you."

  God does not simply wave a magic wand when someone gives their life to him so that their needs and sin struggles go away. It is cruel that homosexuals are left to their own devices in the Church's silence. Folks with deep, life-controlling sin issues need adequately illustrated, particular, detailed, biblical, psychologically-informed ways to move forward as they work out their salvation.